Though it may seem counter intuitive to remove our heart from our sleeve, in the modern world of today ambiguity is your best friend. We have an endless array of machines and robots scanning our phones, images and posts on social media with sole intent of learning about you. Who are you? Where do you stand politically? How can your stance on society make it easier to sell you ideas, products, and votes.


There is real power in remaining unseen. That power allows us to move in and out of people’s micro cultures. When people or machines do not know who we are by the way we look, talk, or act, it makes their data about us useless. The data from machines, or preconceived notions from people are the same. We collect data ourselves about the people around us. That data we collect we use to determine whether or not somebody is safe, like-able, friendly, mean, a threat.


Our style is likely the first tool people use to collect data about us. If we wear a cowboy hat, people assume that we like guns. If we wear a beanie at a coffee shop, people assume that we are protesting inequality. What happens to someone’s stereotypes if we wear a white silk suit with a camouflage baseball hat?


I can tell you. People have no idea which box to put you into. If you want to move freely in our society, you cannot live in a box. The box can restrict your motion, and in return restrict your freedom to exist everywhere.


The truth of the matter is we all have friends and family on all sides of the political, idealogical, belief and race spectrums. We’re all actually a part of the same team. The idea that we are different from one another is invented by those hoping to leverage our differences for their own benifit. Fight back first by keeping yourself out of a box. Lets put our money into our beliefs. Let’s allow that to be our business alone.


Unabated Travel in a Sea of STUFF.